
Sunday, December 13, 2015


There are some optical illusions for everyone--

Take a look at this grid:
Did you notice the small grayish dots between the black boxes. They are not part of the drawing – they were put there by your brain! Scientists call this “visual vibration.” Basically it means that when you see patterns of black and white, your eye sometimes confuses the two and blends them into patterns of gray that you see here. You are seeing something that is not really there!
Whoa! Is that image spinning? Nope, not even a little bit. In fact, if you look away, it will seem to stop spinning. It’s all in your brain…. The repeated patterns and lines trick your brain into thinking that there is movement as it tries to make sense of the image. Pretty cool, huh?

elephant_illusionsThis elephant is missing a leg…or is it? The artist confuses his
viewer by changing they way our brain is used to seeing things.
It seems the more you look at the elephant, the more confusing it gets.
spiraldotWant to see the gears move?
Look at the dot and then move your head towards the screen and away from it.
This uses visual vibrations to create a cool effect. Try moving your head close to, and then away from the screen. The fuzzy dots appear to move.
This simple line drawing is titled, “Mother, Father, and daughter” (Fisher, 1968) because it contains the faces of all three people in the title.How many faces can you find?
Look at the dots in the center. Which one is bigger? Like many similar illusions, the dots are the same size…really! It can be hard to tell because your eye uses the other dots to make a comparison.
Check out the spiral…except it is not a spiral, just circles.
Don’t believe me? Use your finger to follow the fake spiral.
The tilt of the boxes fools your brain into believing it is a spiral.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015


*A cockroach can live for a week without its head. Due to their open circulatory system, and the fact that they breathe through little holes in each of their body segments, they are not dependent on the mouth or head to breathe.
*A cockroach can hold its breathe for 40 minutes, and can even survive being submerged under water for half an hour. They hold their breathe often to help regulate their loss of water.
* Cockroaches can run up to three miles in an hour, which means they can spread germs and bacteria throughout a home very quickly.
*A one-day-old cockroach, which is about is size of a speck of dust, can run almost as fast as its parents.
*The world’s largest cockroach (which lives in South America) is six inches long with a one-foot wingspan.
*Cockroaches are believed to have originated more than 280 million years ago, in the Carboniferous era.
*Because they are cold-blooded insects, cockroaches can live without food for almost a month, but will survive only one week without water.
Image result for indian cockroach pics